Whether the people in your audience already own their own businesses and want to know more about living their best lives… or they’re still struggling to figure out financial independence…
Preston has a presentation or workshop that can be tailored to what they need.
I want PRESTON to teach my audience…
Select one of the options below:

The Business/Love Paradox
If you’re growing a business and focusing ONLY on financial success… you’re destined to build a life that will leave you wanting more.
In this presentation, Preston will show your audience how to focus on MORE than just the financial part of success and what they can do to strive for more.
- How the worst day of Preston’s life was also the best day of his life… and the life lesson he took away from his own personal tragedy…
- The single most important shift Preston made that skyrocketed his income and made him - in his words - “filthy rich”...
- Why you should STOP caring about money (and what you should care about instead) if you want to really see financial freedom…
- And much more!

The Business Financial Freedom Formula
When you’re building your team and your marketing strategy… you will live or die based on the data and management. If you don’t have a handle on it, you’ll waste time, effort and money trying to grow your business.
In this presentation, Preston will show your audience step by step how to manage their marketing and their team,
- How data is sexy - even if you hate math and numbers - and what it can tell you about the state of your business…
- The big thing that most business owners do WRONG with their team - and how to fix it easily withOUT stressing yourself out…
- What you can do RIGHT NOW to step into your role as a leader and manager that will drastically shift how you operate day-to-day in your business…
- And much more!

The 5 Foundations of Culture
Intentionally building a company culture is essential to the success of you, your team, and your business.
Focusing on this can directly impact your bottom line, and in this presentation,
- Where most business owners spend their energy that is NOT helping them grow… and how to avoid this near-deadly trap…
- The first step to establishing the culture you want in your organization… PLUS what you can expect when you do it right…
- How to know if you’re headed in the right direction, including the markers to look for that mean you’re not quite there yet…
- And more!

The 7 Stages of Entrepreneurship
It’s not reasonable to expect that you’ll start a business today and be an overnight success. Most businesses grow behind the scenes for years before they become what we see today.
In this presentation,
- How to navigate the inevitable ups and downs of entrepreneurship… AND how to make the most of your upward momentum…
- The traps that ALL business owners fall into (whether they’re brand-new or 20+ years in business) and how to avoid them wherever possible…
- The critical shift in how you measure success… and where your focus should TRULY be if you want a business that truly serves you and those around you…
- And even more!

El Paso, TX

El Paso, TX

Palm Springs, California

Texas, USA

San Antonio, TX