Breaking out of the corporate money game
the drive to create financial independence at any cost
isn’t something you can or should do alone.
It’s faster, easier, and more achievable when you can follow the guidance of those who have successfully gone before you.
Discover the EXACT STEPS to grow beyond where you are in business right now… and get the clear plan of action to hit your next level (and more)
If you’re reading this, and you’re thinking that you’ve wasted so much time and energy trying to grow your business, don’t beat yourself up. All hope is not lost. You are not doomed to business failure.
I’ve got you.
I have a proven way for you to scale that will take you from a Startup to an Investor Philanthropist. If you feel stuck and are ready to scale, this formula can turn your business around:
- A Step-By-Step Growth Playbook
- Business Coaching From The Absolute Best
- A Peer Group of Business Owners
- Massive Accountability
The 7th Degree is a mentorship and accountability group where you will learn the EXACT STEPS to get out of the business stage you’re in, and into the next.
It’s perfect for business owners who feel stuck, who lack a clear plan of action forward, and who are sick and tired of wasting their money — and time — on solutions that simply don’t work.
When you join The 7th Degree, you get direct access to the knowledge that has fueled my path from near bankruptcy to becoming an 8-figure mega-preneur.
- No overpriced “business seminars”
- No 50 module digital courses
- No vague mindset “fluff”
You get access to me, personally – and an action plan that includes the steps you need to take in order to grow right now.
Start Your
Path To Unstoppable
Success in business leaves clues… but to find them, you’ve got to know where to look.
That’s what this 6-module intensive program is all about – showing you what the success clues are, how to find them, and how to use them to build your business better, faster, and more profitably than ever before.
From mindset to hiring, marketing to data-driven decision making… this in-depth, program will give you the exact step-by-step guide you need to:
- Understand where you are, where you’re going, and how to build the exact map you need to get there…
- Decide, collect and leverage the right data on the right aspects of your business to help you catapult your growth…
- Find and hire the RIGHT people for your team PLUS use their knowledge to grow faster than you ever could on your own…
- Continually innovate so you can out-perform every single competitor you have (plus all the copy-cats that will chase you in the future)...
- Train your replacement so you can step back and focus on building the rest of your unstoppable life…
Your Guided Path to
Financial Freedom
When you are driven for Financial Freedom… you know that you simply can’t do it alone.
When you have a team on your side helping you every step of the way… you’ll get there faster, easier, and more successfully.
That’s what our Path to Financial Freedom is all about – 8 weeks of guided insight, knowledge, accountability and coaching to help you discover your best path and start your journey.
Together, we’ll help you:
- Develop the success mindset so you can achieve your financial goals withOUT ignoring the rest of your life…
- Build the team you need so you’re surrounding yourself with those that will help you succeed…
- Set up your operations for increased financial gains…
- Understand how to maximize your cash flow for the biggest bottom line results…
- Build a solid marketing foundation so every move you make continues to compound on itself…
- And much more
PLUS you’ll get DAILY live Q&A and coaching calls…
All from me and the smartest of my business associates who can help you become the well-rounded business owner you’ve always wanted to be.

El Paso, TX

El Paso, TX

Palm Springs, California

Texas, USA

San Antonio, TX

Business Growth
The Secret
of True Success
This invite-only group will help you not only secure financial freedom… but craft the life you never knew you could be living.